“Students enjoy acting as ambassadors for the school in the local community, for example they visit care homes and nurseries.”
Enrichment activities are an integral part of the Sixth Form and students are actively encouraged to participate in the diverse range of academic and super curricular activities on offer. In place to compliment the excellent teaching and learning that our students are accustomed to, they provide opportunities for our students to develop crucial interpersonal skills which will prepare them to succeed in their chosen future pathway.
There are many leadership roles that students may consider applying for. From Head Student to Subject Mentor, we cover every possibility. Some students take an active role in supporting teachers in Key Stage 3 or 4 lessons, whilst others may undertake formal Mental Health and Mentoring training, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to effectively support our younger students in lower school.
Many lead clubs or ‘chair’ societies exist both within the Sixth Form and lower school. From Sports Clubs to Debate Club, there is an activity for everyone to be part of. These are chances for students to vocalise their views and extend their learning beyond the classroom. In addition, we offer EPQ as an additional qualification and encourage students to participate in online subject-specific courses such as university-run Future Learn courses, or MOOCs. (Massive Open Online Courses)

Combine this with the vast array of opportunities for volunteering with organisations such as the National Citizen Service, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, and many opportunities can be unlocked. We take pride in offering our services to the local community and there are many examples of our students assisting in local schools, hospitals, care homes and working directly with our more vulnerable members of society, such as collecting weekly shopping and organising coffee mornings in the local neighbourhood.
We are passionate about encouraging our Sixth Form Students to step out of their comfort zones and make a difference.

“Students in the Sixth Form engage in a wide-ranging programme of enrichment activities. Leaders check participation rates carefully to ensure that students experience a wealth of opportunities, including learning sign language, how to budget and about healthy relationships.”
Learning beyond the classroom is pivotal to a young person’s success at A level and students are encouraged to undertake wider reading, attend online courses and webinars as well as gain practical experiences where possible. Some subjects offer opportunities to attend educational visits, some examples of activities that have taken place recently are:
Art: Residential in Italy / Conway weekend / visit to Delamere Forest / Museum Visits
Business Studies: Salford Quays Lectures
Chemistry: Keele University Laboratory Visits / The Chemistry Olympiad Challenge
Drama: Whole School Productions / Theatre Visits
English Language: David Crystal Lecture / Shine Media Awards, London / Sovereign Education lectures
English Literature: Globe Theatre Trip, London
Geography: Field Trips to undertake coursework
History: Holocaust Memorial Day / Berlin Trip
Media / Photography: Shine Awards, London / Aesthetica Film Festival
MFL: Berlin, Paris, Barcelona Trips
Music: Whole School Production / Piano Recitals / Choir / Theatre Trips
RS: Chester Crown Court Trip

In addition, there are many opportunities to gain valuable insights which link or lead to future learning. These form part of the College’s commitment to prepare students for progression to Higher Education, further training or employment. We encourage guest speakers and former students to share their experiences. We pride ourselves on the long-term links we foster with our alumni. Some examples are:

Subject Specific University Taster Days – ‘So you want to be a Doctor’ at Keele University / Leighton Hospital / Countess of Chester
UCAS and Oxbridge Conventions
Oxford Experience Residential
Bespoke Campus Day at the University of Nottingham
Edge Hill University Campus Tour
Bangor University, introduction to Higher Education
University of Law, Chester
The Skills Show, NEC Birmingham
Airbus for Apprenticeships / Employment Guidance
BBC Apprenticeship Insight
Barclays Apprenticeship Insight
Toyota Apprenticeship Guidance
Careers Event - Speed Dating style
News Associates Journalism Workshop, Manchester
Physiotherapy Awareness Day at Countess of Chester Hospital
STEM Leaders Award
Extended Project Qualification
Sixth Form ‘Term’ Magazine
Tarporley Sixth Form Careers Fair
Online Future Learn Courses
TED Talks / Podcasts / Webinars / Online Lecture Series
When students fully engage in the opportunities presented to them, it is fair to say that the resulting UCAS Personal Statements are of an extremely high calibre. This is due to the level of importance attached to ensuring that each statement is the best it can possibly be, with students encouraged to reference and reflect upon the super-curricular, academic enrichment and volunteering opportunities they have undertaken.