Pledge Partnership Events
The Pledge works with mainstream, independent, SEND and alternative provision schools in Cheshire and Warrington.
Support from the Pledge is threefold; the Pledge brings employers and schools together to form a network which is committed to sharing and implementing best practice; Secondly, Pledge Enterprise Advisors, deployed from the Careers Enterprise Company, support schools with strategic development of career provision to help deliver against Gatsby benchmarks.
Lastly, Pledge Facilitators fulfil employer engagement events in schools and ensure the young people have meaningful engagements with employers.
Sector Specific Showcase Events
The Pledge is organising expos for each sector, covering the whole of Cheshire and Warrington, to cater to those students who know what sector they’re interested in. The timetable for the events can be found below and more information will be available before each event.
Events - The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge