The Religious Education Department

The Religious Education Department at Tarporley seeks to provide opportunities for students to engage with the fundamental questions of humanity, by encountering and responding to a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. Students are encouraged to reflect on where their own and others knowledge of the world comes from. The students go on to explore a range of contemporary moral issues, through philosophical, theological, and sociological approaches. This occurs both inside and outside the classroom.


In Year 7, the students will visit at least two local churches as they find out about the local area, and the differences between different Christian faith practitioners. In Year 8, the students will go to a city within the region and visit two other places of worship. In the past this has been to a Mosque and Gurdwara. This important trip allows students to directly encounter these faiths, but also ask questions. A visit to a place of worship is always a significant experience for students as it is often unlikely, they will have the opportunity in later life. At A level in 6th form the students go to Chester Crown Court, to see first-hand the skills of clarity in explanation, analysis, evaluation of evidence and judgement.


In addition to school trips, local clergy have good ties with the school and come into speak students in lessons. There is a debate club at 6th form and enrichment material available for students to engage further with the subject in the Read Watch Listen document on the website. The aim is that students can develop their own ideas about the big questions in life and be able to explain their own and others’ views accurately.