
“That is part of the beauty of literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings. That you are not lonely and isolated from anyone. That you belong.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald



An exciting programme of study that raises aspirations for experiencing challenging texts, crafting artful writing and articulating powerful arguments.
A culturally and historically thematic curriculum where teachers are empowered to draw on texts from across time in order to foster curiosity and inspire great learning.
A skills-based curriculum designed to support a love of reading and to equip students in the skills of analysis and evaluation that enables all students to achieve as literate young adults.


What you can expect studying English at Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College

In English, you will study a curriculum that is driven by books, stories, characters and ideas.  You’ll be taught by teachers who love words and imagery, and are passionate about the debates, thoughts, emotions and creativity that literature opens up.

Not only will you study a wide range of poetry, plays and novels, but your English lessons will be filled with creativity, imagination and adventure.  You’ll learn a wide range of transferable literacy skills through the study of high quality texts, learning to read with depth and perceptive insight, and write with a crafted and artful writer’s voice.


Key Stage 4 – GCSE Curriculum

At GCSE, we follow the AQA GCSE English Language and English Literature courses.  In line with the course requirements, students will develop reading skills using 20th and 21st Century fiction texts as well as 19th Century non-fiction.  Students will also further develop the writing skills fostered at KS3, crafting effective narrative and descriptive writing as well as non-fiction, discursive writing.

As part of the English Literature course, students will study the following whole texts: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Lord of the Flies by William Golding or an Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley.  Additionally, students will also study an anthology of poetry with ‘Power and Conflict’ as its central theme.

To ensure that students are fully prepared for linear assessment under the new GCSE model, we teach a highly structured ‘method for success’ to ensure students achieve the best outcomes in examined content.  We also advocate an ‘interleaved’ curriculum which promotes student recall of learning over time.


How we assess at KS4

Students are assessed via four external examinations at the end of Year 11.  Students will sit two examinations in English Language, and a further two in English Literature.

In addition to this, students will also be assessed for Speaking and Listening at KS4, and are required to produce an individual presentation.  While this is a core component of the English GCSE, it is awarded separately to the final GCSE grade.


Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Students at Tarporley High School have access to a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, including: The Cheshire Book Awards reading programme, BBC school report, Theatre trips and gallery visits and Half-Term magazine; a platform which allows students to showcase their writting skills.

We encourage students to explore English beyond the classroom and into the real world, enjoying all that this creative subject has to offer.