Modern Foreign Languages

“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”




An exciting curriculum which develops open-minded individuals, promotes an understanding of cultural differences, and enables students to unlock their potential and communicate with the wider world.
A skills-based curriculum which raises aspirations so that all students feel challenged in their learning and develop into confident, resilient, independent learners.


What you can expect studying MFL at Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College

In today’s world, languages can really open doors for you; knowing a foreign language can transform your travel experiences, help you to discover new cultures and even help you to better understand your own language.

In your MFL lessons, you will learn to use grammar accurately to express yourself on a range of topics in both speaking and writing and you will also explore a wide range of poetry, songs and other authentic texts to help bring the language to life and develop your creativity.


Key Stage 4 – GCSE Curriculum

At GCSE, we follow the AQA GCSE in French, German and Spanish.  This is a multi-skill GCSE that incorporates four units: listening (25%), speaking (25%), reading (25%) and writing (25%).

In line with the course requirements, students will further develop the skills they fostered at KS3, so that they are able to listen and respond to different types of text, communicate in speech and writing for a variety of purposes, use and understand a range of vocabulary and structures, and understand and apply the grammar of the language.

Students study a wide range of topics from three broad themes:

  • Identity and Culture
  • Local, national, international and global areas of interest
  • Current and future study and employment

Students also explore a variety of authentic materials to develop their creativity including letters and songs, as well as literary texts such as the poetry of Jacques Prévert and texts such as ‘Le Petit Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.


How we assess at KS4

Students are assessed via three external examinations at the end of Year 11 in the skills of listening, reading and writing.  The written paper tests students on their ability to communicate accurately in writing for a variety of purposes, showing an ability to manipulate grammar and translate accurately into the target language.

The reading and listening papers require students to demonstrate understanding and respond to a range of written and spoken language.  Tasks for these papers include translating short texts from the target language into English, reading and responding to a range of text types including literary texts and completing discrete grammar tasks.

Students will complete their speaking exam with their class teacher during the summer exam period.  The exam consists of short role-play tasks, a discussion based on a photo stimulus and general conversation on topics covered in lessons.


Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Students have access to a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities in MFL including:

  • German Club
  • Italian Club
  • Trips to Paris, Berlin and Barcelona

We also encourage students who have a passion for languages to become an MFL Lead Learner; students in this role meet regularly to share their views on the MFL Curriculum and to discuss ways to promote languages across the school.