Media Studies

“The mass media - their influence is everywhere. They tell us what to do, what to think and they tell us how to feel about ourselves all of the time.”

Tricia Harris



An exciting programme of study that involves analysing a range of Media texts – from computer games to TV Drama – and gaining an understanding of how all types of Media touch us every day.
A creative and imaginative curriculum where teachers draw on texts from across genres, according to students’ own passions, in order to offer real engagement and to inspire great learning.
A skills-based curriculum designed to support a love of the Media, an interest in popular culture and an awareness of audience responses; students are encouraged to question, to dissect and produce brilliantly original texts of their own.


What you can expect studying Media at Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College

In Media, you will study a curriculum that is driven by print based texts such as advertisements or magazines and moving image texts such as music videos or films.  You’ll be taught by teachers who engage with contemporary Media in all its forms; you should be passionate about the debates, responses, emotions and creativity that Media Studies opens up.

You will study a wide range of Media texts – texts which thrill, excite, entertain and even shock - but your Media lessons will be filled with creativity, imagination and technicality.  You’ll learn to analyse texts in depth and acquire a vast array of technical terminology, alongside creative skills.


Key Stage 4 – GCSE Curriculum

At GCSE, we follow the Eduqas GCSE Media Studies course.  In line with the course requirements, students will study new examination topics specified by the Board each year.  The four key areas of study which underpin the course are: Representation, Language, Industry and Audience.


How we assess at KS4

Examination accounts for 70% of the course and NEA is 30%.  The exam asks analytical and creative questions on a specified topic.  The NEA involves Researching, Planning and Producing an original and credible media text.


Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Students at Tarporley High School have access to a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, including: BBC School Report, photography, relevant trips and visits from Media specialists.

We encourage students to explore Media beyond the classroom as it is such an integral part of the real world.  Students are influenced and affected by the Media every day and the Media will continue to affect them in all aspects of their lives.  Understanding how the Media works is so powerful and having the chance to be the creator of new, innovative productions is empowering and inspirational: a current, ‘real world’ subject with ‘real world,’ transferable skills.